Apply to Forix

The Forix Foundation is an organization dedicated to directing philanthropic dollars towards economically challenged communities throughout the world, helping them develop long term solutions to improve the quality of their lives.

Our reach has spread from Latin America to projects in Asia and Africa. All projects must be sponsored through 501(c)3, or their international equivalent, groups. Requests from organizations we have not previously funded may be up to $5,000.

Areas of Interest

Forix's interest is to partner with grassroots organizations in developing countries, who meet the partner criteria below, in order to reduce poverty and improve the quality of life at the community level. Proposed projects should address issues that impact the community, for example:
  • Educational access for all members of the community, be it continuing or first time education;
  • Employment opportunity improvements, such as providing skills training or establishing work co-ops
  • Life standard upgrading which may encompass enhanced medical/hygiene establishment and education.
Forix encourages creative proposals that address the needs of a community.

Forix will be happy to respond to e-mail inquiries ( prior to submitting a proposal about whether a specific project is appropriate, or requesting clarification of our criteria.

Partner Criteria
  • Partner is an in-country non-governmental organization. Projects administered by large international NGOs will not be funded.
  • Organizations have been in existence at least two years, with demonstrable success. Outside funding for the organization should not be substantial (generally below $100,000 US annually).
  • The organization will have email access. Proposals will be accepted solely in English.
  • Partner works with rural communities to develop programs in response to needs identified by the community. The resulting programs must be community-based and community-led, including participation from the community in money, labor, or in-kind materials.
  • Partner recognizes the inter-related nature of community problems and develops programs that address those problems in a "holistic" or integrated manner.
  • Partners do not restrict opportunities for women to participate in leadership and decision making roles and as staff in the program or project.
  • Proposed programs are moving toward self supporting i.e., include provisions for maintenance and ongoing funding and are environmentally sound.
  • Programs are integrated into the local infrastructure, and respect local culture and traditions.
  • Partner provides services to people regardless of their religious beliefs and does not propagate a belief in a specific faith.
  • Financial systems must be in place before money is dispersed (an established bank account; designated treasurer who tracks expenses; and financial oversight by a council or board). Funds should be spent within 1 year of grant being awarded, unless otherwise designated by the scope of the program.
  • A minimum of one progress report will be necessary during the course of the project; the number of reports required will depend on the duration and scope of the project.
An application is just one step in a longer conversation. Please follow this link to see a full Request for Proposals quidelines document.

Forix will accept the New York / New Jersey Common Application for grant applications. Some additional / specifc information is delineated on the Request for Proposals quidelines. Please review this and include it with the application. Additional information may be required and you will be notified if that is the case.

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